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I-SUSTAIN is known for innovative, unique events that convey a sustainability message. Contact us if you are interested in having us organize an event for you.


Sharing Danish Collaboration Models with NW Cities at the NIS23 Summit

Seattle is gearing up for the Nordic Innovation Summit (NIS23) in Seattle on May 10-11, 2023, where thought leaders from the US and five Nordic countries will gather to accelerate innovation and exchange ideas and ...  Continue reading


Better and Safer Bicycling - 2019

In conjunction with Bike to Work Week, I-SUSTAIN invites you to two outstanding events with Troels Andersen, Traffic Planner, City of Odense, Denmark and local project planner Spencer Gardner of Toole Design.  Odense is an award winning city for its emphasis on safe and convenient cycling for everyone from small children to the elderly.  Denmark has the best bicycling infrastructure in the world ...  Continue reading


  Why you would want architects from Andalusia, Spain on your team.  Architects from the Andalusian region of Spain have deep expertise in applying traditional Mediterranean concepts, in which low energy and water use are a given, to contemporary architecture ...  Continue reading

Dress Made From Recycled Nordstrom Bags

The Trash Fashion Bash, produced by I-SUSTAIN, partnered our clients with fashion designers who designed them fabulous outfits from trash. Partially funded by Seattle Public Utilities, a great deal of information about trash and landfills was provided along with …  Continue reading

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i-SUSTAIN Gathering of Friends - 2022

For three nights in May, Kevin and Mary Daniels of Daniels Development hosted I-SUSTAIN’S Gathering of Friends at their fabulous new hotel, the Lodge at St. Edward’s Park.  The Lodge is a beautifully restored landmark building peacefully tucked away in a lush 326-acre forest ...  Continue reading

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3 days of activities and events oriented toward the Eastside’s transformation — October 31- November 2, 2016

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Jan Gehl Street Party

I-SUSTAIN created the Jan Gehl Street party to show how an ugly characterless street (at the time) could be made into a great place in which to dine and hang out.  The  buildings and stadiums became a stunning backdrop for ...  Continue reading

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